Website Walk-Through & Pre-Launch Party

By Indy Give! (other events)

Thursday, October 19 2017 3:30 PM 5:00 PM MST

3:30-5:00 p.m. (Doors open at 3)  |  Required Session  |  Stargazer's Theatre & Event Center

Join the Give! team, the Design RangersTMD Creative and your fellow Give! liaisons for an exclusive tour of We'll show you how to navigate, market and promote your beautiful profile on the site to the best effect and track your progress throughout the campaign.

We'll also take you through this year's Friendly CompetitionsParticipant Perks and other surprises on offer for participants and donors alike. This is our chance to celebrate together all our hard work to get ready for November and December. Feel free to invite your board members, anyone who has helped you prepare, and everyone who will be a part of your success over the next two months. 

Mailing Address

235 S. Nevada Ave. Colorado Springs, CO 80903